S.No. | Activities | Sections / Rules / Clauses, etc. | Acts / Regulations, etc. |
Compliance Due Date |
Remarks | |
1. | ComplianceCertificate on Corporate Governance |
Clause 49 | Listing Agreement |
15thApril, 2014 | As perAnnexure-I | |
2. | ShareholdingPattern Including details of pledge by Promoters. |
Clause 35 | Listing Agreement |
21stApril, 2014 | As per Annexure-II | |
Note:Kindly Check whether the format providedby the RTA is in accordance with the provisions of the Clause 35 ofthe Listing Agreement. | ||||||
3. |
Intimation for holding of Board Meetingfor taking on record the Audited financial results for the quarter ended on 31st March, 2014. |
Clause 41 | Listing Agreement |
Atleast 7 clear days before the Meeting (i.e. 9 days) | As per Annexure-III | |
4. | NewspaperAdvertisement about Board Meeting to consider quarterly results | Clause 41 | Listing Agreement |
Asa note to Point no.3 above | Tobe publish in one daily English newspaper circulating whole or substantiallythe whole of India and one Regional newspaper, where registered office issituated(As per Annexure-IV) | |
5. | 1 Submissionof Audited Results for full year, if Company opts to submit Audited Results. | Clause 41(1)(d) | Listing Agreement |
30thMay, 2014 | – | |
6. |
Announcementof Quarterly Results by Fax:
(Simultaneously courier them to StockExchanges and display in the website of the Company |
Clause 41 | Listing Agreement |
Within 15 minutes of the Closure of the Board meeting in which the results were considered and approved |
Tothe Fax numbers mention in | |
7. | Publication of Annual Financial Results in Newspapers | Clause 41 | Listing Agreement |
Within 48 hours of the conclusion of theBoard Meeting | To be publish in one English national newspaper and one Regional newspaper(As per Annexure-VI) | |
8. | Statement of Assests and Liabilities for the half year ended on 31st March, 2014 | Clause 41 | Listing Agreement |
As a note to the Annual financial results | Asper the format prescribed for pointno.6 above | |
9. |
Submission of Reconciliation of Share Capital Audit |
SEBI Circular, D&CC/FIT TC/C IR – 16/2002 and Regulation 55A |
SEBI (Depositories & Participants) Regulations, 1996 |
30th April, 2014 |
10. | Payment of Annual Listing Fee | Clause 38 | Listing Agreement |
30th April, 2014 | As per Annexure-VIII | |
11. | Compliance Certificate on Share TransferFacility | Clause 47 (C) | Listing Agreement |
30th April, 2014 | To be sent to Stock Exchange within 24 hours of obtaining the Certificate fromPCS (As per Annexure-IX) |
12. | 2YearlyDisclosure by the Company regarding persons who hold more than 25 %shares/voting rights and also holding of promoters or persons having controlover the company as on financial ending 31st March | Regulation 30(1) and 30(2) of SEBI (SAST) |
7th April, 2014 |
13. | Continual Disclosure as per Prohibition of Insider Trading | [Regulations 13(4), 13(4A) and 13(6) | SEBI (PIT) Regulation, 1992 | 30th April, 2014 | (As per Annexure-XI) | |