Every organization needs to obtain various approvals from time to time from government and quasi- government bodies under various laws and regulations. R&A, through its well-developed network, helps clients to obtain the various regulatory approvals as well as represents the clients before various authorities which includes but not limited to
- Ministry of Corporate Affairs
- Registrar of Companies
- Regional Directors
- Securities Exchange Board of India
- Stock Exchanges
- Reserve Bank of India
- Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
- Software Technology Park of India
- Registrar of Trademarks Copyrights
- Director General of Foreign Trade
- Secretarial of Industrial Assistance
- Securities Appellate Tribunal
- Foreign Investment Promotion Board

Bouquet of Services
Corporate Secretarial Services
R & A’s comprehensive range of services for setting up the operations of a corporate business entity includes Business Set-Up…
Audit ‘N’ Assurance
Corporate Compliance Management (CCM) is the new buzz word of the industry. CCM ensures organizational efficiency…
Insolvency & Bankruptcy
With the emergence of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, there is a tremendous reform in the bankruptcy and insolvency…
Regulatory Approvals & Representation
A corporate organization needs to obtain various approvals from time to time from various government…
Corporate Governance
Good corporate governance system aims at assisting the management of the Company in the efficient conduct of its business..
Legal Due Diligence & Transaction Documents
The corporate strategists and investors require a very comprehensive information and analysis of the…
Compliance under Foreign Exchange Laws
With the globe shrinking on account of the World Wide Web, cross border transactions have become the order of the present…
Joint Ventures, Mergers, Amalgamations And Acquisitions
Consolidation of business and inorganic growth through Merger and Acquisitions (M&A) is now a regular activity in the corporate…
Employee Stock Based Compensation
Companies in order to motivate / retain / reward the employees may go for the Employee stock based incentive plans…
Intellectual Property Rights
Intellectual Property is a product of intellect that has commercial value. The privileges given to the owners of such property are called…
Advisory On Capital Raising
R & A provides clients with all necessary assistance, as required under the present legal framework, in advising…
Services To Lending Institutions
Our services to the Banks / Financial Institutions include: u Issue of search and status reports u Advising…
Establishment & Employment Related Compliances
R & A undertakes the analysis of Current Compliance Status, audit of Labour Law records and guides on the compliances…
Compliance Management Services
Compliance Management specifically consists of policies, processes, tools and structures that help identify and manage…
Services To Non-profit Organizations
R & A provides services concerning registration and on- going compliances to various non-profit entities…